The MIT Mechatronics Research Laboratory team takes an interdisciplinary approach to research and development. The activities include fundamental research in physical system modeling, mechatronic design, control theory, and machine intelligence; with methods in algorithms, simulation, visualization, instrumentation, fabrication, and experimentation; and application projects in the fields of robotics and automation, nanotechnology, and intelligent systems. These are summarized and visualized in the animation on the right.
The publication page tags follow this classification scheme. We seek students and researchers with strong background in mechatronic system design, optics, robotics, control systems and hands-on experience.
Current and Recent Projects at MRL
1. Nanoscale video-rate imaging: design and control of versatile high-speed and large-range atomic force microscopes
2. Nanoscale inspection: intelligent optical characterization for nano-manufacturing
3. Robotics and automation: computer vision and cell phone recycling
4. Robotics and automation: pipe inspection and rehabilitation robot design
5. Instrumentation and learning: health monitoring and predictive maintenance
6. Instrumentation and learning: machine learning based control of electrical motor