Regular robot in a pipe that it fits Comparison between the regular robot and hydrogel coated robot in smaller pipes
Regular robot in a pipe that it fits Comparison between the regular robot and hydrogel coated robot in smaller pipes
Today’s cities lose 20-30% of its drinking water due to pipe leaks. Many of these leaks are too small to be noticed from the street level, and result in a large volume of water that is unaccounted for. Other times, they fail catastrophically and result in flooding and large water losses. In the Mechatronics Research … Leak Detection System For City Water Distribution Systems
Projects in the robotics category: [easyrotator align=”left”]erc_88_1377105406[/easyrotator] [slideshow_deploy id=’290′]
Projects in the robotics category: [easyrotator align=”left”]erc_88_1377105406[/easyrotator] Robot Design A tetherless robot is developed for maneuvering inside 4-inch-diameter (10 cm) pipe networks. This ellipsoidal micro drone is capable of path following and making very tight turns. It will be used to carry leak sensors into water distribution networks and perform high speed, full coverage leak detection … Development of Micro AUVs for Pipe Inspection
Projects in the robotics category: [easyrotator align=”left”]erc_88_1377105406[/easyrotator] Biomimetic locomotion is of interest in applications where good cruising speeds, high maneuverability and stealth are needed. Current Biomimetic devices that use traditional discrete-stiff mechanisms have severe limitations because of their complexity. The proposed approach exploits the natural dynamics of a flexible structure in order to achieve the … Biomimetic locomotion in liquid environments
Projects in the robotics category: [easyrotator align=”left”]erc_88_1377105406[/easyrotator] [slideshow_deploy id=’174′] Liquid natural gas and liquid petroleum gas are stored in steel alloy tanks at approximately -160C and -45C, respectively. These tanks need to be periodically inspected for cracks, corrosion, and other defects. Currently the inspection process involves sending a human into the emptied tanks with inspection … Thermal Control of Robot in Cold and Hazardous Environment
Other projects in the robotics category: [easyrotator align=”left”]erc_88_1377105406[/easyrotator]
Projects in the robotics category: [easyrotator align=”left”]erc_88_1377105406[/easyrotator] Project Overview Leakage is the major factor for unaccounted losses in every pipe network around the world (oil, gas, or water). In most cases, the deleterious effects associated with the occurrence of leaks may present serious economical and health problems. Therefore, leaks must be quickly detected, located, … In Pipe Leak Detection